For sae is offered a real estate with a unique, historical value - Lestene Manor. Lestene is located 250 000 EUR
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For sae is offered a real estate with a unique, historical value - Lestene Manor. Lestene is located

Создано: 9 декабря 2024
Адрес: Lestenes muiža iela, Тукумс и Тукумский край
Площадь: 1700 м2
Количество этажей:
Площадь земли: 180000 м2
Кол-во комнат: 38 
For sae is offered a real estate with a unique, historical value - Lestene Manor. Lestene is located in Tukums region, 10 km from Jaunpils and 75 km from Riga. Lestene Manor Palace was built in the early 19th century. A fragment of ironwork can be seen in the gates of the manor's wall fence. The park is home to 16 foreign tree and shrub spieces, including European larch and Amur cork tree. Initially, Lestene Manor Palace was the property of the descendants of Polish Colonel Georg Firks. In 1920, Baron Paul Firks became the owner of the manor, but in 1922 he gave the granary to the local society for storing grain supplies. In turn, in 1934, the manor house was acquired by General of the Latvian Army Mārtiņš Hartmanis. During the restored Republic of Latvia, the property was regained by General Hartmanis' daughter, poet Astrīda Ivaska. There is a 4ha park near the manor, where there are several plantations of foreign trees and shrubs. The manor complex consisted of a manor house (castle), a barn, and a stable. The manor house and barn have survived to this day. The manor building has 3 floors - a basement with arches and 2 above-ground floors. The land, including the 4ha park, occupies 18 ha. During the Soviet years, the manor housed a school and a culture house, so the building is quite well preserved.
Создано: 9 декабря 2024
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250 000 EUR
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