Spaces suitable for a medical institution, shop, salon, office are for rent in the energy-efficient 6 240 EUR
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Spaces suitable for a medical institution, shop, salon, office are for rent in the energy-efficient

Создано: 30 апреля
Адрес: Krišjāņa Valdemāra 62, район Центр, Рига
Этажность дома: 95 
Площадь: 390 м2
Spaces suitable for a medical institution, shop, salon, office are for rent in the energy-efficient and high-quality class A office center "Alojas biroji", Krišjāņa Valdemāra street 62 (the intersection of Krišjāņa Valdemāra and Alojas streets)!
In 2011, the building won the award for the most energy-efficient public building.
The "Alojas biroji" building has been awarded the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum certificate.
The building has general exchange ventilation systems, using air recuperation and providing air humidification, using a "water flow" humidification system in the office spaces.
The new tenants have a great opportunity to start work in the "Alojas biroji" office building already this year, but with 09/2023 to move to the first A-class wooden office building in the Baltic States - "Pine project" - being built right next door. After the construction of the "Pine Project" office building together with the Aloja offices, space will be available for large tenants - the maximum floor area, including both office centers, will be ~ 5000 m2.
It is possible to fully adapt the layout to the tenant's needs, as well as cosmetic repair finishes, the existing layout - open space work area and 1 meeting room.
On the first floor, the premises are intended for commercial activities - customer service, office, etc. The building houses such recognizable tenants as "Klavins Ellex", "Uralchem", "Phillip Morris", "Transact Pro".
The offered commercial spaces are offered with an open layout, but it is possible to prepare the layout of the premises according to the tenant's needs, to build separate management/negotiation rooms. Room re-planning and cosmetic repairs will be carried out within ~ 3 months.
There are 167 underground parking spaces available in the building (100 EUR/month + VAT 21%), the lessee is entitled to 1 paid parking space for every 50 m2 leased.
On the roof of the building, on the 7th floor, there is a well-furnished terrace (with a kitchen), which the tenants of the building can choose to use for a separate fee, the surrounding infrastructure is developed, next to the building is the ``Alojas kvartāls'', where there is a ``Rimi'' supermarket store, lunch restaurant "Bento", bar "Valmiermuiža", fast food restaurant "Delisnack".
In addition, you have to pay for utilities, management fee, which includes VAT, insurance 2.80 EUR/m2 (according to the open book principle), VAT 21%.
Total area: 390 m2.
Rent: 6240 EUR/month (16 EUR/m2) + utilities + management fee + VAT.

Создано: 30 апреля
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6 240 EUR
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