An Art Nouveau pearl in the historical center of Riga, in an Art Nouveau building designed by archit 299 000 EUR
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An Art Nouveau pearl in the historical center of Riga, in an Art Nouveau building designed by archit

Создано: 31 августа 2023
Адрес: Lāčplēša iela 23, район Центр, Рига
Кол-во комнат:
Площадь: 152 м2
Этаж: 3 Stāvs
Этажность дома:
An Art Nouveau pearl in the historical center of Riga, in an Art Nouveau building designed by architect Alexander Schmeling (1904). This high standard six-room apartment is located on the 3rd floor and has been completely renovated, carefully preserving and restoring its historic Art Nouveau values. The apartment has been restored with original Art Nouveau wall and ceiling paintings, cleaned and restored decorative reliefs, rosettes and carved cornices. The original Art Nouveau doors have been restored, the original parquet floors and Art Nouveau wooden windows have been restored. In keeping with historical traditions, the walls are painted with chalk paint. Door handles with ivory details. The apartment has all new electricity wiring, two new bathrooms and a modern, renovated kitchen. In the kitchen you will also find an original comfortable built-in Art Nouveau cabinet with shelves. The apartment has high ceilings, is spacious and bright. Good layout - sunny living room, spacious dining room, separate, completely equipped kitchen, 3 bedrooms, storage room and 2 bathrooms (one with bathtub, other one with shower). The apartment has windows on both the facade side and to the courtyard. The apartment has a warm aura and a beautiful view of Lāčplēša Street. The property has two entrance doors, which allows you to divide it into two separate apartments, and you can for example rent out the second half. The apartment is a separate property, land under the house is owned. The house is well maintained, the staircase is closed. House manager SIA "Rīgas namu pārvaldnieks". The apartment is located in the heart of Riga on Lāčplēša Street between Akas and Tērbatas Streets. The apartment is close to parking, shops, offices, cafes, as well as schools. Convenient public transport to all districts of Riga. To the airport 15 - 20 min.
Создано: 31 августа 2023
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299 000 EUR
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